5 Ways to Deal with Katana Binds (But Why You Shouldn’t Do it)

Some people in the comments have insisted that you would often come to a Tsubazeriai (binding) situation with the opponent in a real-life situation. But then, is there no way to fight back from this situation? Of course not. So today, Seki sensei, the 22nd headmaster of Kobudo Asayama Ichiden Ryu with 400 years of history, will explain to us 5 ways of how to win from a Tsubazeriai situation. If you are a Kendo practitioner, you may be familiar with Tsubazeriai. However, how you deal with it is completely different in the world of Kenjutsu. I’m sure you’ll learn shocking new techniques, so please watch this video to the end. *The content of our videos is based on the teachings of Asayama Ichiden Ryu and personal studies/experience | There is no intention of denying other Ryuha styles, theories, and cultural aspects ▼Join the Online Kobudo Training with Seki Sensei▼
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