Fallout 76 Graveyard Keeper’s Cabin CAMP (Kanawha County Cemetery)

Hi, YouTube. Sorry about quality (my PC is a potato). I really loved settlement building system in Fallout 4 and it’s a bit regrettable that I can’t build a ton of them in Fallout 76 and have to move my CAMP from time to time to satiate my building cravings. I decided to record my CAMP builds before moving on to the next one so all that time wouldn’t be just wasted. My CAMPs are going to look same-ish, because I’m a creature of habit, but I will try to adapt them to the environment so they wouldn’t stick out too much. My goal is to make them look like they belong in the world of the game. (Shops are a bit of an eye-sore, but I still build them for convenience)
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