This Is Animal Flow

Animal Flow® combines ground-based movement with elements from various bodyweight-training disciplines to create a fun, challenging workout emphasizing multi-planar, fluid movement. In this video Animal Flow creator Mike Fitch demonstrates what the “flow“ in Animal Flow is all about. Interested in learning more? Check out for information on becoming a Certified Animal Flow Coach or to pick up your copy of the video! Of course there is more to Animal Flow than just performing a 3-minute flow like in this video. The entire practice includes 6 components: Wrist Mobilizations; Form Specific Stretches; Activations; Traveling Forms; Switches & Transitions; and the Flows. You can incorporate it into your own training style in many ways - as a warm up; with interval training; as a full hour-long workout on its own; as a group class.... it is a versatile practice that can add to what you are already doing, and can meet the intensity level you want. This video demonstrates how some of the different forms and what we call “switches“ are combined into a flow. Most of the moves shown here can be learned in Level 1. Some of the more advanced hand balances and holds would be in Level 2. The video uses almost no slow motion - AF uses tempo changes as an important component for learning strength and control, so where you see Mike suddenly moving slowly, or holding a pose, that is usually in real time. There are two spots where we did use slow motion simply so you could see the form better, but the majority of “slow“ moves are really performed that way. And to answer the question “Isn’t this just like...(insert your favorite bodyweight discipline here)?: We don’t claim to have invented using exercises that mimic animal movements, and give credit and much respect to the many bodyweight disciplines that have contributed to Animal Flow. This program just puts things together in a new way, teaches them in a structured format, and throws in some new takes on old moves!
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