Udo Kier à la française (in the French manner), mini-film on film foundation. Restored & edited by Cathy Arc © The author’s work includes: frame-accurate restoration in media program, original author’s storyboard, original shot cut, new plot, choice of music and movie lines, audio & video montage/editing.
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Tribute to Udo Kier ~ Created by Cathy Arc:
Udo Kier:
Udo Kier on FB:
Film: Joseph Balsamo (aka Cagliostro), TV mini-series, France, 1973. By the novel of Alexander Dumas père () “Joseph Balsamo“.
Starring: Udo Kier (Gilbert), Jean Mara
...is (Joseph Balsamo),
Doris Kunstmann, Bernard Alane, Marie-France Beaulieu, Henri-Jacques Huet.
Music: Brahms - Symphonie # 3 (performed by Paul Mauriat).
Movie link:
Cagliostro (Joseph Balsamo). Fernsehfilm in drei Teilen von 1973. Nach dem Roman von Alexandre Dumas d. Ä. (1802-70). Mit Jean Marais (Cagliostro), Udo Kier (Gilbert), Doris Kunstmann (Andrée), Bernard Alane (Baron Philippe von Taverney), Henri-Jacques Huet (Jeanne Dubarry), Marie-France Beaulieu (Chon), Guy Tréjan (Der König Ludwig XV), Louise Marleau (Gräfin Jeannette Dubarry)....
The link with photos & plot / mit Fotographien und Motiv:
Working on the video I especially thought about my friends from Paris: Geraldine (MyVenice40) and Jean (Blueeyed40). I know that Jean has been waiting for this video for one year & half! Thanks for your patience Jean!:))
© Cathy Arc:
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