The Allied liberation of Brussels during WWII (1944)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Crowds gather in the streets after Allied forces liberate Brussels during World War II Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Brussels Liberated: Another European Capital is Freed by the Allies BELGIUM: Brussels: EXT BELGIUM BRUSSELS : & Belgium in streets. BRUSSELS BRUSSELS : & Belgium in streets CEZEMBRE Isle of. Bombed by . DANCING. dancing in street after Brussels Liberated Gestapo, torture chamber, children, British, troops, soldiers, Palace of Justice, civilians, cheer, cheering, books, Law Courts of Brussels, dance, Germans, World War Two, Second World War, war, Belgian, Wehrmacht Background: Crowds gather in the streets after Allied forces liberate Brussels during World War II FILM ID: VLVA7CXD20Z4HMTSY0AF0OA6AJQGB To license this f
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