Dimitri’s 2023 cut of the classic documentary from 2012 in memory of Regina Baer.
“Regina would have been 57 years old today. She left far too soon. To mark her birthday, I have uploaded the film documenting the early days of Tresor until its demise at Leipziger Strasse 126. This era is inextricably linked to her. Regina was a special person and the person who I was closest to, and who accompanied me for many years.
She was the person I trusted the most. I could always rely on Regina. She advised me well in all matters and stood by me, even in difficult times. Regina helped build up Tresor and characterised it with her own style. Without her, Tresor would be a different club.
The film is a special contemporary document and illustrates the failure of those politically and financially responsible at the time, who simply sold the historic property with the surviving steel chamber of the former Jewish department stores’ Wertheim to one of the nameless development companies. 15 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, they had still not recognised the potential of the newly emerging nightlife culture that is so important today. Tilmann Künzel’s film, is a masterfully executed work with lots of material from the Tresor archive.
I would like to dedicate this film to Regina and thus keep her memory alive.
The history of the Tresor would be different without her, without her energy, drive, vision, creativity, discipline and ability to inspire and motivate others. She was one of those strong women who knew exactly what they wanted in a scene that was often still very male-dominated at the time - and who never let even the biggest machos intimidate her. As manager of Globus and Tresor (from 1991 to 2005), she steered and shaped the company. Later, she played a key role in shaping Kraftwerk - even when she was already battling her illness.
Her advice was always the most important to me, and if I didn’t follow her advice, it often turned out to be a mistake in hindsight. She was incorruptible, unpretentious, straightforward and clear-sighted like few others.
Her true spirit was as convincing as it was infectious, as countless artists, Tresor visitors, employees and friends can attest.
She lived, loved and managed Tresor and nightlife - and mostly thought of others and the future: she founded the Tresor Foundation with me (whose board of trustees she chaired) so that cultural venues such as Kraftwerk and Tresor could be protected from speculation and live on for a long time. She has so often resolved tricky situations, never allowed herself to be confused even in the greatest chaos and always kept her cool. She never avoided an argument if it served the cause. She listened to her employees, time and time again. Which really left a lasting impression on my memory…
She was so open, honest, human and compassionate and one of the strongest women and people I’ve ever known - and she had such a great sense of humour that rarely failed her. She was a great, loving mum who, despite the sometimes crazy hours and times she spent working on our projects, was always there for her children and never forgot them.
Regina taught me what good friends really are and how important and valuable it is to have a good friend in your life. I am grateful that we were able to work, celebrate, live, discuss, argue, create new things and be friends with her for so long. And when I say “we“, I don’t just mean our teams at Tresor not just our teams at Tresor, Kraftwerk and the T31 exhibition, but I believe I am speaking on behalf of so many - not just in Berlin - who had the great pleasure and honour of knowing her, experiencing and learning to appreciate her as a friend, companion, colleague or even boss.
She left us on 21 July 2022 after a serious illness, which she fought extremely bravely for a long time.
We miss you, bella Regina.“
— Dimitri Hegemann. Berlin,
Camera: Andreas Jänisch, Axel Warnstedt, Gregor Steinhofer, Peter Göltenboth, Steffen Bartneck, Tilmann Künzel
Camera archive material: Alex Herzog, Christine Schröder, Jens Staeder, Mark Reeder, Patrick Waldner, Uwe Klinkmann
Film Producer, Film Director: Tilmann Künzel
Interviewer: Meike Krüger, Mike Andrawis
Lighting: Axel Warnstedt, Stefan Eckert
Research: Dirk Erdmann
Script: Angelika Künzel, Silvia Praller
Subtitles: Francisca Perez Y Perez, Maria Mahia, Maya Wada, Rieke Wassermeyer, Silvia Praller
Video Editor: Florian Giefer, Steffen Bartneck, Thomas Wedekind
2023 Cut Video Editor: Hiroo Tanaka
Donate to Tresor Foundation:
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