ASK RABBI TULY: Is President Donald Trump Like King Cyrus the Great? Ezra 1:2

Following President Trump’s proclamation recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights on Monday, March 25, 2019, Prime Minister Netanya compared the American leader to Cyrus the Great. During the signing ceremony at the White House, Prime Minister Netanyahu established the historical significance of the Golan decision. “In the long sweep of Jewish history,” declared the Prime Minister, “there have been a handful of proclamations by non-Jewish leaders on behalf of our people and our land: Cyrus the Great, the great Persian king; Lord Balfour; President Harry S. Truman; and President Donald J. Trump.” It is surely significant that the US president recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights and we are grateful that he declared Jerusalem to be the eternal capital of the Jewish People. However, for President Trump to truly earn the comparison to Cyrus the Great, there is one final piece of real estate that deserves his attention. Watc
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