Kirsty Grosart - Handstands

Kirsty Grosart - Handstands What is the “correct” head position for a handstand? It is certainly easier to balance when the head is sticking out. You are able to focus on the floor between your hands. But, to have the perfect line the neck must be relaxed and the head must be neutral. However, in this position the lack of focal point makes balancing very challenging. So which is right? In fact a combination of the two is what I like to use. Keep the head relaxed and in line with your arms in order to maintain your straight line. But, peek over your eyebrows in order to focus on a spot on the floor between your hands. If you are interested in nailing your freestanding handstand in 2017 my next coaching group starts in just over a week. Check out the details in my bio.
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