asmr I CRACK her HAIR and make her HAIR grow STRONGLY! a refined and relaxing SCALP massage!

SUBTITLES IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE AVAILABLE. PLEASE TURN THEM ON TO ENHANCE YOUR VIEWING PLEASURE (the “CC“ button should be turned on and you can choose the language from the list of available languages in the “menu“ button) In this video I show my unique procedure to release the tension in the aponeurosis (“the tendon helmet“ of the skull). I can’t believe how underestimated the importance of aponeurosis is. With age - the aponeurosis becomes stuck in one position. Sort of “glued“ to the skull. This leads to a multitude of problems. Most importantly - the constriction of blood vessels and lymph channels in the head. This leads to lower oxygen and nutrient flow to the hair roots as well less removal of waste products by the lymph channels. With years of such constricted blood and lymph flow - this leads to worse health of hair, hair thinning, hair falling out. No amount of expensive hair growth shampoos or other remedies or medications will help if ther
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