How to Tyranid Paint Carapace *ANY* colour - Contrast Hacks

In today’s video we’re painting some of the #new40k Tyranid models in a method I happened upon while mixing techniques, we’re starting with contrast, then repeating shades for depth, allowing a relatively easy and quick, flexible result, that looks great! Not only that, we’re giving you the tools to apply this technique and method to ANY COLOUR! As ever, if you have any questions or suggestions, just ask in the comments, the best suggestion will receive a brush set of your choice! How to Strip Miniatures Fast (Ultimate Easy Guide): Space Marine tutorials: Ultramarines (Airbrush Drybrush Wash synergy): Dark Angels (high tabletop drybrush armour): Salamanders (high tabletop drybrush armour): Black Templars (ultra-crisp drybrush wash armour):
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