Sony FX6 Cinematic Footage + Review

Please watch in 4K. INTRO: Well, I wanted to make a review and started working on a talking head type of video and decided it just wasn’t my style. I actually strongly dislike review videos where you barely see any footage or it’s just video of the person talking, or of nature and , I decided to type out my review and if you’d like to read it - great! If not hit play and just enjoy the footage. DYNAMIC RANGE & COLOR SCIENCE: The dynamic range is just about on par with all modern cinema cameras at this stage of the game. At 800iso in SLOG3 you can see how it compares to the Alexa at time code: 03:31. Pretty much identical. And this is with my custom LUT which brings down the highlights and smooths them out a bit just FYI. Sony claims the camera has 15 stops of range at 800iso. They haven’t put the specs out on the range for 12,800 ISO. Unfortunately, I haven’t done enough tests to say how the two ISOs compare in that aspect. I do plan on doing that in the future though. As far as color science
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