Plenary session: Empowering Clean Future

The world is changing rapidly, and only a clear vision of the future, supported by solid plans, innovations, scientific and technological achievements, can give us the world we wish for ourselves and our children. Our ultimate goal is to benefit from Generation IV nuclear technologies by creating a sustainable high-tech environment in harmony with nature, in order to establish high living standards and to ensure constant development for humanity. Life throws numerous challenges at us and there is no option to postpone them. What we propose is to unite efforts of the nations and companies interested in green technologies, and to open a meaningful discussion to determine the long-term paths for building the bright future for our planet, based on clean and sustainable energy solutions. That will make our most daring hopes and wishes come true. Which nuclear innovations and green solutions do we need to implement national low- carbon strategies effectively and to achieve global Net Zero? Can nuclear technologies help to defeat hunger and shortage of clean water? How nuclear solutions can enhance our everyday life and make it comfortable and convenient not just tomorrow, but after decades and even centuries? What opportunities do Generation IV nuclear technologies offer in creating the sustainable future?
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