Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur devo Maheshwara, Gurur sakshat, Para-Brahma, tasmai shri guravay namah Problems are part of life. We should always face problems with courage and try to solve all the puzzles in our life ourselves. But sometimes problems become a big part of our life. In those times of life,we need to seek help of the divine to push away the problems and overcome the darkness in life. This mantra seeks the help from Guru in form of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. When the Trinity combine their powers, you get a solid support to overcome problems in life. The Trinity needs to see your own efforts towards solving the problem first. if you do not make any efforts on your own, Trinity will not be able to help. So get yourself together, stay calm, listen or chant daily and your problems will be over soon. OM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DHYAANGURU DR. NIPUN AGGARWAL is a Humanitarian, Philanthropist, Mentor, Motivator, Doctor and a Spiritual Guide who has helped thousands over the years with Lectures and workshops on Self-Development, Meditation and Mantras. The healing mantras by Dhyaanguru are not just to provide spiritual benefits, but also to manifest in psycho-physiological healing. They work at the core level of the human system, DNA. The vibrations and frequencies of these powerful mantras have shown tremendous healing properties. Thousands of people have shared their success stories on Youtube. Let us join together to heal our Mind, Body and Soul with Dhyaanguru ! LEARN ABOUT DHYAANGURU DR. NIPUN AGGARWAL,MD : FOLLOW THE LINKS BELOW TO CONNECT WITH DHYAANGURU : YOUR GUIDE TO SPIRITUAL HEALING ! WEBSITE : FACEBOOK : YOUTUBE : LINKED-IN : PINTEREST : TWITTER : DHYAANGURU CHARITY: SPEAKER/SINGER: DHYAANGURU DR. NIPUN AGGARWAL, MD, MBA, MHT ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MANTRAS : COMPLETE COLLECTION OF MANTRAS : LINKS TO DOWNLOAD MANTRAS : CDBABY: ITUNES: Email: dhyaanguruji@
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