Getting Over It Speedrun World Record in

The first 2023 Getting Over It Ending Speedrun World Record in under a minute is achieved! The world’s hardest game (for many) has been defeated. This is the last minute barrier that will be broken... The song I produced for the run. I will be more active on my music channel ’Lightspark’ from now on: Unedited footage of the run: Thank you all for coming with me on this journey. I would like to give a special thanks to the Getting Over It community and everyone who stuck with me this far. Here are a few names I want to point out: AS13B SquillyBobJoe Crumpet Valmerix Batfish Gamessauce Codyumm And last but not least, my main rival, Leviathan. You ran a real good race and it made sub 1 a whole lot more exciting. Now that neither of us will be playing the game as much, I hope to see both us of succeed at whatever we do next. I wish you the best :)
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