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📡Fritz Mayr - 1962 born in Wels, Austria. Musician, Composer, and Digital Artworks. At 14 I began to play guitar in several bands from different styles. In the year 2000, I changed to playing synthesizers, with Passion.
Instruments: Keyboards, Synth, Guitar, Native American Flute, Percussion.
Fritz Mayr - Omicron Astraeus ✨
☄️ Download:
🌌 Fritz Mayr Websites:
🎨 Image: Infinite fleet.
Artist: DOFRESH.
Contact: @
Image source:
Check out the artist & follow for a lot more great art.
🤖 SpaceAmbient Websites:
🗨️ “It might be profitable to point out that the entire universe is etheric and vital in nature, and of an extension beyond the grasp of the greatest mind of the age... This extent cannot be computed, even in terms of light years; this cosmic etheric area, is the field of untold energies, and the basis of all astrological computation; it is the playground of all historical cycles - cosmic, systemic and planetary - and is related to the constellations, to the worlds of suns, to the most distant stars, and to the numerous recognised universes, as well as to our own solar system, to the many planets, and to that planet upon which and in which we move, and live, and have our being, as well as to the smallest form of life known to science, and perhaps covered by the meaningless term “an atom“. All are found existing in Space - Space is etheric in nature and - so we are told in the occult science - Space is an Entity“ -- Alice Bailey.
🛰️ All music & art on the SpaceAmbient channel is used to help promote indie artists & more.
Any space/sci-fi music or photo/art submissions, copyright issues:
The music & art on this channel is great for studying, relaxing, inspiration, painting, writing Sci-Fi novels or films & a lot more.
I’ll be uploading space ambient & electronic music and all kinds of spacey music, psybient, synth, retro, drone, downtempo, chill & feature them in stunning futuristic space art that fits with the music that has a futuristic, Sci-Fi, space atmosphere/theme to it.
I try to make the music and art in the videos fit together in some way to make it all feel more alive which takes often time.
I will sometimes as well create an art piece using Midjourney that will fit with the music as much as possible.
I’ll discover new artists, music, art & more.
Enjoy Cosmonauts... 👨🚀👩🏾🚀🚀
#SpaceAmbient #Space #Music #cosmic #stellar #future #scifi #atmospheric
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