上甘岭 || Battle of Triangle Hill (1956) Eng Sub

《上甘岭》是由长春电影制片厂出品的战争故事片。由沙蒙、林杉执导,高保成、徐林格、刘玉茹等主演。于1956年12月1日上映。影片改编自电影文学剧本《二十四天》,讲述了上甘岭战役中,志愿军某部八连,在连长张忠发的率领下坚守阵地,与敌人浴血奋战,最终取得胜利的故事。 Shangganling is a 1956 Chinese war film, also translated as Battle of Shangganling and Battle on Shangganling Mountain. It depicts the Battle of Triangle Hill (Shangganling in Chinese) during the Korean War, an especially bloody battle that resulted in eventual Chinese victory. The film follows a group of Chinese People’s Volunteer Army soldiers who are holding Triangle Hill for several days against US forces. Short of both food and water, they hold their ground until the relief troops arrive. The movie shows Chinese victory over the American invasion, and the People’s Volunteer Army soldiers were shown as Chinese war heroes.
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