Allies conduct mass landings in Philippines (1945)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit American forces conduct surprise attack on Ormoc Bay Full Description: Gamont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Battle of the Philippines; Landings at Ormoc, Mindoro, and Lingayen PHILIPPINES: Leyte: Ormoc: EXT AMERICA MILITARY U.S. troops wade ashore on Ormoc transfusion in in sky & on barge sunk BARGES Jap barge sunk by fire in Ormac Bay BLOOD TRANSFUSION & DONORS. Transfusion given on moving Jeep BOMBS Very large crators (air) CONVOYS Shot of large U.S. when invade Ormac Bay EXPLOSIONS In air & on Ground in battle of Ormac Bay FLAME THROWERS. One used in battle of Ormac Bay. PHILIPPINES US troops land on ORMAC burst in sky & on Ground ..Blood transfusion in sunk very large bomb crators. Military - Active Burning huts, triage
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