Ukrainian flower crown and the Black Sea - ROBERT SEPEHR

In his 1896 book, The Swastika: The Earliest Known Symbol and its Migrations, Thomas Wilson, former curator of the Department of Prehistoric Anthropology in the U.S. National Museum, wrote of the swastika: “An Aryan symbol (卐) used by the Aryan peoples before their dispersion through Asia and Europe. This might serve as an explanation how…as a sacred symbol…the Swastika might have been carried to the different peoples in which we now find it by the splitting up of the Aryan peoples and their migrations and establishment in the various parts of Europe.” Atlantis, Inner Earth, Ancient Occult Mysteries To many eastern Europeans in the Ukraine, the traditional, spiritual, and virtuous values, attributed to the Vinok, remain at the forefront. Robert Sepehr is an author, producer, and anthropologist.
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