Starting the construction of the yard for Nargis and preventing a tragic accident

In continuation of the video, the architects ask Narges if she brought the construction materials. Narges responds that she couldn’t go, and Mr. Filmmaker also couldn’t go because they were not available. As a result, she asks one of the architects’ apprentices named Eisa to go to the city with their car and Mr. Filmmaker’s bank card to purchase the necessary materials. Later, after Eisa goes to the city, Narges asks Mohammad Reza and Hadi to build a large courtyard for them, where they can have a pergola, a chicken coop, and space for planting trees. The architects start planning and examining the soil for the courtyard. Meanwhile, Narges helps them and takes care of the children while also cooking. After some time, they have lunch together at home, and after lunch, Narges helps Hadi and Mohammad Reza repair a broken heater. Then, they resume working, but due to it getting late, they postpone the rest of the work for the next day. #HomeConstruction #CommunityBuilding #Teamwork
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