Socio-Political Factors Influencing Achievement of the Criminal Punishment Goal to Prevent New Crime Commission

Introduction: the article is devoted to the consideration of problems related to the establishment and analysis of socio-political factors influencing the achievement of such a criminal punishment goal as prevention of the commission of new crimes. Purpose: to give a brief description of the specified purpose of criminal punishment, its main features and conditions of achievement on the example of the formation and analysis of proposals to prevent the involvement of combat veterans in criminal environment. Methods: general scientific dialectical method of cognition, system-structural, comparative legal, sociological, formal legal methods. Results: key features and elements of the specified purpose of criminal punishment, criteria and ways to achieve it are characterized and some legislative changes are considered. The impact of post-traumatic stress disorder, characteristic of combat veterans, on their post-war adaptation in society is analyzed. An attempt is made to forecast possible causes of a significant increase in criminal behavior among this category of citizens, which is an additional obstacle to achieving the stated goal of criminal punishment. Conclusion: based on the analysis results, specific measures are proposed to prevent the involvement of combat veterans in criminal environment, which is one of the important conditions for achieving the goal of criminal punishment. The author concludes that it is necessary to organize specific psychocorrective, social, etc. work with persons who participated in the special military operation, especially from among former convicts, as well as determine a more selective approach to choosing categories of convicts involved in military operations.
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