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There’s this quote by Howard Gardner: “You learn at your best when you have something you care about and can get pleasure in being engaged in.“
This is basically *the principle* for anyone engaged in a self-learning routine. Having a lack of interest in certain topics may be less deterrent for you if you are studying in some kind of institution - despite the lack of engagement in your classes, you end up
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Академия Штиглица | Сундук с сокровищами в Петербурге
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Как сохранить мышцы по мере старения? 🧐 6 лучших способов.
1 month ago 00:32:55 1
💥✅ Mysterious Sewing Techniques. You’ve Been Sewing Wrong All this Time!
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Как управляют людьми и государствами? Виктор Ефимов о Путине, духовности и 500-летнем кровавом бале