This video is part of a series looking into the actions of the Islamic State militant group and comparing them to the teachings of the Islamic faith based on an honest reading of the Quran, its interpretations by major reputable Muslim scholars, the hadiths (sayings of Mohammed) and other Islamic sources.
Here we’ll look at whether jihad is only defensive as some apologists claim, or whether it can also be offensive?
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Sources for information in video:
Lead up to Battle of Badr showing Muslims began that conflict.
of Mohammed’s biography
Build up to Raid of Khaybar showing Muslims attacked, no self defence whatsoever.
P. 511 of biography (sira)
[Arabic] Tafsir of Tabari explaining “No compulsion in religion“ verse was abrogated.
[Arabic] Tabari tafsir explains Arab pagans were forced into Islam by the sword because of their beliefs, monotheists were given the option of paying the jizya tax to avoid being slaughtered.
Mohamed says the best thing to do as a Muslim is to kill and be killed numerous times over.
Mohamed saying those who don’t fight and die, die as hypocrites.
Mohamed saying a group of his followers will continue fighting all the way to judgment day.
[Arabic] Tabari tafsir explaining who “oppressors“, explaining they are the polytheists, therefore offensive war is allowed against them.
Ibn Kathir explaining the same point as Tabari regarding this verse
Please share this video far and wide! Muslims and liberals often don’t know exactly what the doctrine teaches and making them understood that the root of the problem of groups like ISIS lies there is the first step we need to take to help overcome the problem.
Thanks for watching
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