“Falling Rock: An Exciting Rescue from the Jaws of Death“ 2023

As Babak and Narges reached the rugged mountains, their hearts pounded with worry for their missing sheep. The sun beat down on them mercilessly, but their determination pushed them forward. They climbed higher and higher, their eyes scanning the vast expanse of the rocky terrain. Suddenly, a piercing cry echoed through the air. It was Babak’s mother, her voice filled with panic. She had spotted something from afar, something that made her blood run cold. Without wasting a moment, Babak and Narges quickened their pace, their hearts pounding in their chests. As they reached the top of a steep cliff, their eyes widened in horror. Below them, a massive ravine stretched out, its depths shrouded in darkness. And there, on a narrow ledge, were their sheep, teetering on the edge of disaster. The ground beneath them was crumbling, threatening to send them plummeting into the abyss. Without hesitation, Babak and Narges sprang into action. They knew they had to save their beloved animals, no ma
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