Duffy - Just In Case You’re Interessed - 1971- (Full Album)

1) Matchmaker - 2) Long Lost Friend - 3) Judgement Day - 4) Amie - 5) It’s My Life - 6) Rock Solid - 7) Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood - 8) Tell Me - 9) Riverside - 10) Place To Lie - Personnel; Barry Coote - Lead Guitar - Acoustic Guitar. Joe Nanson - Organ - Keyboards. Patrick Sarjeant - Bass. Stuart Reffold - Vocals- Harmonica. Will Wright - Drums. UK) Band, London dei “Rarissimi“ Duffy“ Just In Case Vou’re Interessed - 1971 Comprende 10 Brani Di (Prog.- Hard - Rock ) molto Bello, Cult band autori di Tre Ascolto.
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