How we play with braige and a few facts about cougars.

More content on other social networks. Мы в Телеграм - Мы на Бусти - Мы в Ин**аграме - In this video I will show you how we play with a puma because its energy needs to go somewhere. And also a couple of interesting facts about the puma. Silent hunters: Cougars are masters of silent hunting. They sneak up on their prey at close range and then make a lightning-fast leap. Excellent hearing and vision: Cougars have excellent hearing and vision, making them effective nocturnal hunters. Social Communication: Despite their reputation as loners, cougars use a variety of sounds to communicate, including growls, rumbles, and “meows,” as well as tracks and scent markings. Longevity: In the wild, cougars can live up to 8-13 years, while in captivity their lifespan can be as long as 20 years. Conservation Status: Although cougars are not threatened with extinction, in some regions their numbers are declining due to habitat loss and conflict with humans. In some areas, they are protected by law.
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