Thundergate Live Cinematic Industrial Ambient Set Feat Digitakt Digitone and 3D-Printed LED Mask

Here is the full mini-set for Electronisounds Electric Showcase III - It was an honour to be chosen by Dean Daughters to perform amongst so many amazing musicians. Here’s a link to the whole show: Audio-Reactive 3D-Printed LED Mask Design and visuals by Thundergate’s own Steve Wintercroft, live electronic performance by Fletcher Fathoms. ENTER THE THUNDERGATE: Audiovisual Art, Artefacts and Sound Reactive Masks FOLLOW US ON BANDCAMP: Bandcamp is the best place for artists. NEW RELEASE ON LIQUID SOUND DESIGN FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: GET IN TOUCH: enter@ Music, art and world building by Fletcher Fathoms and Steve Wintercroft #thundergate #industrialmusic #hardwarejam #digitakt #elektron #electronicmusic #synth #cyberpunk #soundtrack #psychedelic #groovebox #dawless #jamfam #dystopian #darkambient #synthpunk #dawless #videogamemusic #audioreactive #ledmask #scifi #maskdesign #robotmask #experimentalmusic #liveelectronicmusic #electropunk #madmapper #filmprop #scifimask
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