SS-3 The Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich

The 54 min long documentary was shown around the world () in the 90’s. Received Certificate of Merit at Chicago International Film Festival (’in honor and recognition of the production’s superior quality’) in 1992. Reinhard Heydrich was considered the most dangerous man in Nazi Germany after Hitler himself. The plot to kill him masterminded in England and carried through to finality in Prague in 1942, is told in this gripping dramatised documentary special. Featuring meticulous reconstructions, coupled with authentic historical film, some of it never shown before the film powerfully presents a vivid account of the only successful assassination of a leading Nazi in World War II. It also chillingly recreates the terrible human cost of SS savagery against the Resistance and the total obliteration of the village of Lidice. Produced and directed by Jan & Krystyna Kaplan Copyright Krystyna Kaplan
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