If You Know All the Seasons | Four Seasons Song for Kids | The Kiboomers

The Kiboomers! Four Seasons Song. If You Know All the Seasons, clap your hands! Learning Autumn, Spring, Winter and Summer! ★Get this song on iTunes: Watch our ‘Seasons song’ video and learn along with the kids! ’SEASONS SONG LYRICS’ If you know all the seasons, clap your hands If you know all the seasons, clap your hands If you know all the seasons You’ve got four terrific reasons To shout out and name the seasons Clap your hands If you really love the winter, go like this “BRRR” If you really love the winter, go like this “BRRR” Because winter is the season When your nose is always freezing And you’re shivering and sneezing Go like this “BRRR” In the spring you run and play and shout “HURRAY” In the spring you run and play and shout “HURRAY In the spring the grass is growing And a gentle breeze i
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