Olga Dedyukhina - Henry Mancini | Pie in the Face Polka (from “The Great Race“)

Pie in the Face Polka (from “The Great Race“) Henry Mancini Olga Dedyukhina (flute) - media-musicFlute Maxim Buyanov (piano) Anton Androsov (trumpet) Evgeniy Lapshin (trumpet) Denis Bashlikov (horn) Mikhail Mistyukov (trombone) Maxim Makushev (tuba) Semyon Tabachnikov (drums) съемка и монтаж - руководитель творческого объединения Master Ed production Эдуард Миловидов Тел. 79168313265 WhatsApp 79168313265 1/03/2021
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