The In Crowd - Trailer

What would you do to get in? New to Cliffmont? Relax. You have the whole summer to soak it all in. Tennis, golf, sailing, rippled hunks, awesome babes, jealousy, murder - name your sport. Check out who’s checked in when young hotties gather at Cliffmont Country Club for the sinister summer of The In Crowd, a stylish suspense thriller directed by Mary Lambert (Pet Sematary). Step into the whirl of lip-glossed mover and shaker Brittany (Susan Ward). Meet cabana girl Adrien (Lori Heuring), an outsider drawn into the clique like a moth to a flame. Hang out with Matt (Matthew Settle). Bobby (Nathan Bexton). Tom (Ethan Erickson) and more beautiful people. Everyone has killer looks. One even has the looks of a killer.
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