Intersex Are Amongst Us | Rogena Sterling | TEDxRuakura

Intersex may not be a term you are familiar with. -And that is part of the problem. Intersex people are those who have indeterminate sex at birth. There are many reasons and causes for this, but it has happened throughout human history, and is as common as red- haired people. Dr Rogena Sterling explains what it is to be intersex, the difficulty faced, why you may not have heard of them, and how New Zealand and other countries around the world abuse the human rights of intersex people. TEDxRuakura is held in Hamilton, New Zealand. 2018 is our fourth year. Please check out the other talks from TEDxRuakura. Visit to find out about upcoming events. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts, Dr Rogena Sterling taught English, set up an oriental medical college, and later established an English language school. Dr Sterling then went on to complete the Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws programmes at the University of Waikato. Dr Sterling has just completed a P
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