JayB - Trance Live Performance #3

You can see this as my 2200 subscribers special. DOWNLOAD: SUPPORT AND DONATE: My third trance live performance. This time “broadcasted“ from my new studio and technically more mature than the previous ones. (Except for the rather bad mixdown. I know the bells and the piano are a bit too loud. I at least could fix the bells for the MP3 download.) Apple Logic Pro provides a MIDI clock for both Yamaha QY100 (kick, bass) and Sirius (drums, perc) and processes all synth sounds (sidechaining). Some automation of Yamaha AN1x and S80 are programmed, too, as well as that blip-synth (Sylenth) and a TR909 ride in the main part. The sequences for the Yamaha QY100 are programmed with its internal sequencer. The drums of Quasimidi Sirius are triggered in realtime. The CME UF7 controls the V-Synth’s pad sound. The expression pedal’s contr
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