PopCast Yo-Yo Vlog: An interview with André Boulay from YoYoExpert

PopCast is a crowd sponsored yo-yo show. Huge thanks to Taka, John Anderson, and the rest of my sponsors on This episode of PopCast is an in depth conversation with André Boulay from . I asked André about how he got into yo-yoing, how the pandemic has affected the hobby, what it’s like switching from being a yo-yo pro to being a yo-yo store, and if we’ll ever see another Dark Magic. Just a note, André is one of the sponsors of this show, but he had no say in any of the questions I asked or how it was edited. I just thought he’s a cool person with a rad yo-yo story. I’m giving away The Dark Magic bootleg yo-yo that we show during the episode. This has been a coveted part of my collection for a while, but it seems like the perfect giveaway. Find out how to win it on my 0:00 Intro 0:49 How did you get into yo-yoing? 4:28 What was it like switching from a yo-yo pro to a retaile
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