KONSTANTIN STUPIN - SKIRI (Album of field recorded songs by Stupin. Acoustic Russian Hardcore)

Konstantin Stupin - Acoustic Guitar/ Vocals --TRACK LIST-- Экспедиция Пушистый хвост лисицы Гремит моя музыка Гром Перрон Нет, слышишь, нет...(.) Ночью всякое бывает Холодный воздух Если в кране нет воды... Милорд Девичьи слезы Война This is a fan compilation album. It was created to help get his music known in America. I am not selling or trying to sell this Album. Its for listening and learning, to help gain interest in the Russian language, culture, history as well. Album - cover designed and songs compiled by Dreath. Please support Konstantin Stupin via the links below, in order are his youtube channel, his homepage, google play, and itunes - Skiri also means ’wolf’ in Native American Skiri Pawnee indian language. They were known as ’wolf indians’. I do believe that migration occurred from Russia to Alaska via the Bering Strait, that Native Americans were from that migration. Pawnee and other tribes have striking resemblance to Russian/ Asian/ Altai/Siberian.
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