A Tour of Tec-Arts, The Ultimate AE86 Corolla Shop in the Heart of Japan

Tec-Arts Japan is one of those places most of us only saw - and probably will only ever see - in the gritty old VHS tapes (Option2, Best Motoring) or some random 140p pixelated video hosted on a Geocities site. Building legendary Toyotas for both grip and drift, including a Corolla fit for a king - the Drift King himself, Keiichi Tsuchiya, Tec-Arts is one of those shops that’s almost too good to be real. Until you go there. Help support Autofocus and purchase some signed art prints for your walls: High-res photos: Follow Our Crew on Instagram: Larry Chen @larry_chen_foto Louis Yio @lusciousy Tyler Kapper @tylerkophoto Luis Garcia @ Richard Kim @richardkimm Turn on notifications to keep up to date on our latest uploads! Check out our friends on Instagram: @pennzoil @typesauto @rotiform @canonusa @theh
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