The Temple of Thoth was created to help you activate your Crown Chakra, and awaken to the spiritual perfection that is your highest nature.
On the surface of our minds, the world can often appear mundane and ordinary, like a random series of events in a meaningless material universe.
And yet, when we awaken our inner eye, and look deeper, something else starts to emerge. A sacred pattern, a higher order, an infinite intelligence orchestrating the unfolding of this universe and the course of our lives.
As the secret teachings of many esoteric traditions expound, there is a mathematical, geometrical, spiritual perfection at the heart of reality, and we are fractals of its expression.
Shrouded beneath the veil of our ordinary sense perception there is a field of magic, power and perfection so infinite and profound that it can never be described with words or spoken of directly.
Many spiritual traditions creates beautiful symbols, metaphors and stories pointing at “it”.… but these are all abstractions that further veil our direct experience of the ineffable mystery and magic that is living us.
“As Above so Below. As Within so Without.“
Thoth, or Hermes as the Greeks called him, is the Egyptian God/Priest who invented Magic, Alchemy, Writing, and Science, and in Egyptian cosmology played a vital role in maintaining cosmic balance and order.
In many esoteric traditions, Thoth is seen as a master of mysteries, a keeper of sacred knowledge and a guide for those on the path of spiritual ascension. To this day his teachings continue to inspire and guide those seeking inner wisdom and spiritual awakening.
In the Temple of Thoth ambient soundscape, nature sounds are interwoven with the ethereal Duduk flute encoded with the 963 Hz Solfeggio frequency to help activate your crown chakra and open you to the spiritual perfection at the heart of reality.
May the Temple of Thoth be a sacred catalyst for your holistic healing, empowerment, and awakening. ॐ
#ambientmusic #meditationmusic #healingmusic #963hz #relaxingmusic #Crownchakrameditation
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