David Garrett Trio , 4 Romantic 💝 Pieces, by Dvorak

12 November 2022 @ Prenzlauer Berg , Berlin Antonín Dvořák composed his cycle of four Romantic Pieces, Op. 75, B. 150, (Czech: Romantické kusy), for violin and piano in January 1887. These four pieces are arranged from his previous composition, a trio for two violins and viola, known as Miniatures, Op. 75a, B. 149 (Czech: Drobnosti). was written for 2 amateurs who rent a rooms in the house of Dvořák. 🇨🇿 Because the first one was too difficult, Dvořák therefore composed another trio, but considerably simpler. The second trio, Miniatures, was written in four movements, which he titled: “Cavatina“, “Capriccio“, “Romance“ and “Elegy“ (“Ballad“). In the letter dated 18 January 1887 to his German publisher Simrock, Dvořák stated: “I am writing little miniatures – just imagine – for two violins and viola, and I enjoy the work as much as if I were writing a large symphony – what do you say to that? Of course, they are meant rather for amateurs, but didn’t Beethoven and Schumann also express themselves sometimes with quite simple means – and how?.. “Though he was apparently satisfied with this version of the trio, he nevertheless immediately began to rearrange it for violin and piano. He called the new version Romantic Pieces, Op. 75. The only date appears at the end of the manuscript – 25 January 1887. I don’t think that beautiful songs necessarily require virtuosity. Simple and natural beauty is something that many people can relate to. Many people can enjoy playing it. However, the simpler it is, the more difficult it is to play well. 😛
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