Japan’s fastest bullet train “Hayabusa“ running under the sea|Hokkaido - Tokyo Shinkansen Travel

The Seikan Tunnel is a long undersea railroad tunnel that crosses the Tsugaru Straits and connects Honshu and Hokkaido. In March 2008, the Hokkaido Shinkansen Line (between Shin-Aomori and Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto) opened, of which the Seikan Tunnel became a part. 00:00 Opening 00:32 Shinkansen Hayabusa boarding 02:12 Arrival at Morioka Station 03:39 Boarding the Shinkansen Komachi 05:45 Shop at onboard vending machines 👆👆👆👆👆👆Other interesting channels👆👆👆👆👆👆 フェリーで行くカプセルホテル12時間の旅。神戸から大分へ 15時間の車中泊の旅-大阪から鹿児島まで太平
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