Sports Song | Do You Like Sports? | Fun Kids English

★Get this song on iTunes: Do you like playing sports? Our Fun Kids Monsters do! In this video and sports song for kids we’ll learn to say “Do you like playing (soccer, baseball, tennis, basketball)?“, “Yes, I do“, and “Can you (kick a ball, bounce a ball, catch a ball, hit a ball)?“ A fun sports song in English for kids. Thank you very much for watching and sharing ^_^ ❤️ Subscribe for more Fun Kids Videos → ❤️Actions Song ➜ Lyrics: Do you like playing sports? Yes, I do. Can you kick and hit? Can you bounce and catch? Do you like playing sports? Yes, I do. Do you like soccer? Yes, I do. Can you kick a ball? Do you like soccer? Yes, I do. Do you like basketball? Yes, I do. Can you bounce a ball? Do you like basketball? Yes, I do. Do you like tennis? Yes, I do. Can you hit a ball? Do
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