Folding Caravan (1954)

Folding caravan in Gloucestershire. Various shots of man on Vespa scooter with woman in sidecar and trailer being towed. They drive into field. Man gets off motorbike and unfastens trailer. M/S woman gets out of sidecar goes to back of trailer and helps man push it. L/S couple pushing trailer onto flat piece of grass. M/S woman undoing back part of trailer she pulls a long strip of canvas off trailer. M/S man unscrewing mudguard off trailer. He lifts trailer slightly and puts the mudguard under wheel. M/S man and woman opening trailer. Man takes large piece of wood from trailer and fixes it to side of trailer as a support. Woman lifts hood up which forms roof of the caravan. Man puts wooden supports to stop caravan from tipping. M/S woman lifting hood. L/S man and woman finally lifting hood. The caravan trailer tent now has roof. M/S woman securing roof and lifting down side flaps. M/S woman picking up small wooden table and putting it inside caravan. M/S interior of tent. Woman is fi
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