Career Pavel Pleskov Tips on landing a remote DSML job at a startup

00:00-00:43 Introduction 00:44-02:56 Startups are different 02:56-05:52 Hoe skills 05:53-08:11 Soft skills 08:12-09:53 About Kaggle ranking 00:53-11:28 Draw attention to your profile 11:29-13:29 . 13:31-14:48 About LinkedIn 14:49-16:13 About Facebook 16:14-17:12 Free online courses 17:13-18:20 About paid online/offline courses 18:21-19:47 Networking 19:48-20:54 Never Eat Alone 20:55-21:55 So Good They Can’t Ignore You 21:56-23:27 Values
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