Saints Row: The Third Remastered - I’m Free - Free Falling (All Voices)

Saints Row: The Third Remastered - I’m Free - Free Falling (All Voices) - Saints Row 3 Remastered - Saints Row The Third - Saints Row 3 - Saints Row Here is a video that I recorded and edited which shows all the voices and different dialogue of all 6 voices in the Saints Row 3 Remastered Mission I’m Free - Free Falling, this video shows all 3 voices between the Male, Female Playa & the Zombie voice (Protagonist) Playa/Protagonist: Male 1 Voice - Caucasian Male 2 Voice - African American Male 3 Voice - British Female 1 Voice - Caucasian Female 2 Voice - Russian Female 3 Voice - Hispanic Zombie About us: Saints Row Videos is a dedicated fan channel keeping you up to date with all the latest news, video walkthroughs and official trailers for the Saints Row Game Series, including Saints Row: The Third Remastered, Saints Row 2, Saints Row 1, Saints Row 4, Saints Row 5 and all other Saints Row/Volition titles to be released. All videos on this channel are recorded and edited by us - Saints Row Videos All co
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