Meet the Big 5: How the Military-Industrial Complex Controls Politics

We talk a lot about the military-industrial complex, but what exactly is it, who makes it up, and why are they so important? A new coalition groups opposing their local war companies has joined together to form the War Industry Resisters Network, focused on corporate control over US foreign policy. The political influence of several weapons manufacturers has made these companies extravagantly wealthy, all while the United States has wasted trillions of dollars on military adventurism and destroyed large parts of the Middle East and Central Asia, killing at least hundreds of thousands and displacing tens of millions. The 5 major companies with the most influence and power are: Raytheon Technologies Lockheed Martin Boeing Northrop Grumman General Dynamics We’ll take a look at these companies, their partnership with the US government, and their influence over the US Congress and the Executive Branch, under both Democratic and Republican presidents. Why,
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