Red Wolf Pack Howling

Four of the captive critically endangered red wolves at the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem, NY engage in a howl with some of the other 18 wolves at the Center. At 9-months-old, the two red wolf pups born last spring are practically fully grown. Among the wolves lending their voices are Atka, the WCC’s traveling ambassador Arctic gray wolf, who can be clearly heard in the beginning, and critically endangered Mexican gray wolves the WCC houses as part of a Species Survival Plan under the Endangered Species Act. There are only about 50 Mexican gray wolves and 130 red wolves living in the wild. If you want to watch the red wolf pack yourself, visit our live webcam at If you see something cool, let us know! For more information about these wolves and the Species Survival Plan (SSP) for critically endangered red wolves and Mexican gray wolves, please visit our website at , our blog at , and our Faceboo
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