Bad Apple, but it’s rendered and colorized with ControlNet [Stable Diffusion Deforum test]

Obviously, based on the famous clip for the Touhou song ’Bad Apple!!’ Used Anything v4.5. The initial rendering was accomplished with canny edge detection and ’scribble’ ControlNet model, then the resulting grayscale video was put again through CN, but now with ’hed’ preprocessing and hed model to get the coloration. Deforum settings files: render — , coloration — The black and white canny edges scribble-mode mid-stage rendered video . You can check the prompts keyframing file to see if I got the characters names right. Despite my best efforts, some of the characters appearances were off, I think it was either the character names were incorrectly spelled (I was referring to the Touhou wiki) or they had been underrepresented in the dataset or there was overlap between their naming and som
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