Создание логотипа для авторских украшений с помощью нейросети Midjourney

Промт 1: Design a surrealistic logo for a custom jewelry company. The image should feature a floating golden heart-shaped locket enveloped in delicate, swirling vines in an abstract space. The locket is partially open, releasing a stream of brightly colored gemstones in various shades. The background is a deep navy with gold and silver flecks, reminiscent of a starry night sky, adding a mystical and expansive feel to the design. Промт 2: Develop a logo for a unique jewelry manufacturing company in a surrealistic style. The logo should depict a mystical crystal eye surrounded by a ring of living flowers and butterflies that appear animated and moving. The eye at the center emits light, which reflects and distorts through transparent gemstones of various shapes and colors, creating an illusion of depth and multidimensionality. This symbolizes the enchanting and transformative nature of their jewelry pieces. Промт 3: Create a surrealistic logo for a jewelry company depicting an antique golden compass with an elaborate wind rose, where each direction symbolizes different aspects of jewelry art. The compass floats over a sea of liquid gold, its needle pointing towards a shimmering star. The background sky is rendered in pastel dawn hues, with clouds forming delicate, elegant patterns around the compass, enhancing the theme of navigation and discovery in the realm of jewelry design. Материал подготовил наш тестировщик и специалист по нейросетям Матвей. ПОДПИСЫВАЙТЕСЬ НА НАС В СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ СЕТЯХ: Яндекс.Дзен: ВКонтакте: Rutube: Telegram: VvP5YFooc91-w2gH Youtube: @pirania302 Так же, можете обращаться по любым вопросам к основателю рекламного агентства “PIRANIA“ Жирнову Геннадию. Facebook: Instagram: Вконтакте: Pinterest: #Midjourney #нейросеть #нейросети #logo #логотип #созданиелоготипа #midjourneydiscord #ai #AIгенераторизображений
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