If this story is accurate, it demonstrates how globalists and their corrupt government allies collaborate with the mob via the b

If this story is accurate, it demonstrates how globalists and their corrupt government allies collaborate with the mob via the black market to procure documents for illegal immigrants, enabling them to enter the US and deplete the welfare state’s resources. Our ineffective immigration policy is maintained to drain our resources, weaponize illegal cheap labor against hard-working American citizens, and otherwise act as a tool of civil and economic warfare. The tax payer is the victim, and the banking cartel (the Fed and other central banks, et al.) funds the government solutions so that NGOs and other public-private partnership entities can get paid to not fix the real problem. This seedy union between government bloat, poorly regulated bureaucracies, and criminal enterprises has existed for a long time; arguably, the modern systems we use today were designed with these holes so they could be exploited. This is just like Bill Gates’ Microsoft, which made computers intentionally vulnera... Source: Justin Deschamps
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