Mick Wallace and Clare Daly Want to Save Us from NATO

Become a Useful Idiot for extended interviews and bonus content at “Democracy is about having a say in how your country is run. Right now, that’s not happening. The way the system works, the politicians don’t feel under pressure to answer to the majority of the people.” Mick Wallace and Clare Daly, members of the European Parliament, are Irish progressives. This means they speak out against the proxy war in Ukraine, Julian Assange’s torture, and the Syria dirty war. Elected progressives in the US are quite different. “From what we can see,” they tell us. “You don’t have any left politics in the US. The Democrats are indistinguishable from the Republicans and Bernie would be seen as just right of center in Europe.” And what does it take to get actual progressives like Clare and Mick in office? “Until people take to the streets, it’s going to be very hard for any left wing party to show its head in America.” Plus, subscribe for the exten
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