Paris Peace Conference (1946)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. France. Foreign Ministers gather at the Luxembourg palace for the Paris peace conference. L/S as cars drive towards the Luxembourg palace for peace conference in Paris. Crowds watch them and there is a large police presence. The cars drive through the gate. Various shots of the impressive palace. L/S as American delegate James Byrnes arrives and waves before going in. L/S of the crowds. Various good shots of British Prime Minister Clement Attlee outside the palace, he chats and laughs. Various shots of the ornate Hall of Glass. M/S’s of Australia’s Dr Herbert Evatt and Russian Minister Vyacheslav Molotov. French delegate Georges Bidault gives address of welcome. Various shots of delegates in the hall, including those from India and Poland. C/U of girls using teleprinters to record his speech. Back view of Bidault as he finishes his speech and everyone applauds. Possibly connected with 46/61 - MD. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATH
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