How To Use SDXL Lightning In Fooocus - Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusions Newest Speedy Model Is SDXL Lightning. Here I will show you how to get it working in Fooocus so you can try it out for yourself. SDXL Lightning huggingface page: Download page: Try it out online for free!: ***UPDATE*** - Dreamshaper XL Lightning released after posting this. : Use this like the Turbo model (change checkpoint to new Dreamshaper Lightning model) CFG 1-2 sampler: dpmpp_sde scheduler: Karras steps 3-6 resolution 1024x1024 recommended ------- **Update2** The Bytedance/SDXL-Lightning files were updated to safetensors. There is also a checkpoint model available for use. All the same settings still apply for these (sgm_uniform/Euler/cfg-1/etc). Only use the model or the Lora, not together. So far Lora looks bette
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